
Canada hospitals use drones to carry lungs for transplant

In the dark of night, a drone takes off from a Toronto hospital rooftop, the hum of its rotors barely audible over the bustling sounds of the cars and pedestrians below in Canada's largest metropolis.


Israel a step closer to commercial drones with latest tests

Dozens of drones floated through the skies of Tel Aviv on Monday, ferrying cartons of ice cream and sushi across the city in an experiment that officials hope provided a glimpse of the not-too-distant future.


Flying high-speed drones into the unknown with AI

Researchers at the University of Zurich have developed a new approach to autonomously fly quadrotors through unknown, complex environments at high speeds using only on-board sensing and computation. The new approach could ...


Drones will soon be transporting medical samples in Norway

The distance between the Norwegian towns of Røros and Trondheim is about 100 kilometers as the crow flies. Three entrepreneurs from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)want to use drones to transport ...

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