
Laser-powered-drones may beat endurance hurdles

Hmm. Drones that can be recharged by a laser. So how long could they fly before having to land? How about "never mind"? We can look forward to seeing this idea in action. New Scientist had a story on September 3 that the ...


How a drone can soar without using GPS

Drones use GPS to find their way without a pilot. But GPS signals can be easily blocked by tall skyscrapers or trees—leaving drones lost.


An insect-inspired drone deforms upon impact

In recent years, robotics experts have taken a page from the traditional Japanese practice of origami and come up with light, flexible, and highly innovative robots and drones. Two types of origami-inspired structures have ...


A better way to control a swarm of drones

A team of researchers from Hungary, Norway and the Netherlands has found a way to better control a large swarm of drones—give them more autonomy. In their paper published in the journal Science Robotics, the group describes ...

Energy & Green Tech

Airbus unveils pioneering solar-powered drone

European air giant Airbus on Wednesday unveiled a solar-powered drone called Zephyr that will fly at a high altitude and fulfil the same functions as a satellite.


Forget joysticks—use your torso to pilot drones

Imagine piloting a drone using the movements of your torso only and leaving your head free to look around, much like a bird. EPFL research has just shown that using your torso to pilot flying machines is indeed more immersive—and ...

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Drone may refer to:

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