
Small flying robots haul heavy loads

A closed door is just one of many obstacles that poses no barrier to a new type of flying, micro, tugging robot called a FlyCroTug. Outfitted with advanced gripping technologies and the ability to move and pull on objects ...


A better way to control a swarm of drones

A team of researchers from Hungary, Norway and the Netherlands has found a way to better control a large swarm of drones—give them more autonomy. In their paper published in the journal Science Robotics, the group describes ...


Programming drones to fly in the face of uncertainty

Companies like Amazon have big ideas for drones that can deliver packages right to your door. But, even putting aside the policy issues, programming drones to fly through cluttered spaces like cities is difficult. Being able ...


A little hexacopter shows off acrobatic moves

Watching the little machine in action is like watching some proud circus performer vie for full audience attention in making athletic moves on wires and swings. This machine though shows what is humanly possible in making ...

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Drone may refer to:

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