
Best of Last Year: The top Tech Xplore articles of 2022

It was an interesting year for technology research, as a team at Stanford University found that the practice of charging cars in the evenings or at night will overstress the electric grid in the years to come. They suggested ...


System trains drones to fly around obstacles at high speeds

If you follow autonomous drone racing, you likely remember the crashes as much as the wins. In drone racing, teams compete to see which vehicle is better trained to fly fastest through an obstacle course. But the faster drones ...


Researchers introduce a new generation of tiny, agile drones

If you've ever swatted a mosquito away from your face, only to have it return again (and again and again), you know that insects can be remarkably acrobatic and resilient in flight. Those traits help them navigate the aerial ...


Is it a bird, a plane? Not superman, but a flapping wing drone

A drone prototype that mimics the aerobatic manoeuvres of one of the world's fastest birds, the swift, is being developed by an international team of engineers in the latest example of biologically inspired flight.

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Drone may refer to:

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