Energy & Green Tech

Renewable hydrogen economy outlook in Africa

Global leaders at COP27 are discussing how best to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and maintain global warming below 2°C to avoid catastrophic climate change.

Energy & Green Tech

Energy communities bring renewable power to the people

Traditional energy production in advanced economies involves the importation of large amounts of oil and gas from a small number of suppliers. Renewable energy systems under new community ownership structures are being pioneered ...


Blockchains uphold data platform cooperation

Researchers at Aalto University have studied how the market for data could be made to function technically, especially in the world of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Energy & Green Tech

Making the case for hydrogen in a zero-carbon economy

As the United States races to achieve its goal of zero-carbon electricity generation by 2035, energy providers are swiftly ramping up renewable resources such as solar and wind. But because these technologies churn out electrons ...

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