Energy & Green Tech

Team expands power grid planning to improve system resilience

In most animal species, if a major artery is cut off from the heart, the animal will struggle to survive. The same can be said for many of our critical infrastructure systems, such as electric power, water and communications. ...

Energy & Green Tech

Does energy storage make the electric grid cleaner?

Carbon-free energy: Is the answer blowing in the wind? Perhaps, but the wind doesn't always blow, nor does the sun always shine. The energy generated by wind and solar power is intermittent, meaning that the generated electricity ...

Energy & Green Tech

Sudan's electric rickshaws cut costs, help environment

Sudanese entrepreneur Mohamed Samir watches proudly as workers assemble garishly coloured rickshaws, unique in the North African nation because they run on electricity in a bid to tackle soaring costs.

Energy & Green Tech

Renewables rescue stability as the grid loses spin

The high-altitude Atacama Desert of northern Chile is a surprising location for scientific insights: Its dry and dusty likeness to Mars makes it ideal for interplanetary testing, and distant worlds are particularly visible ...

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