Energy & Green Tech

New tech brings resilience to small-town hydropower

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has celebrated the ribbon-cutting of its new Microgrid in a Box, which was deployed in partnership with the Fall River Electric Cooperative at its hydropower plant in rural Idaho.

Energy & Green Tech

The power of footfall: Harvesting energy from human traffic

For many years wind power, solar power, tidal power and many other sustainable solutions to electricity generation have been in place. But, what about harvesting the energy of human traffic on city streets and other environments?

Computer Sciences

Few-shot learning AI accurately 'senses' home appliances

NIALM (Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring) can "sense" appliances using electrical power. NIALM is used in homes and small buildings. For this, NIALM can require hundreds of labeled power signal images from each appliance ...

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