Energy & Green Tech

Reversible fuel cells can support grid economically, study finds

A major challenge for producers of electricity from solar panels and wind turbines is akin to capturing lightning in a bottle. Both solar and wind increasingly generate electricity amid little demand, when market prices are ...

Energy & Green Tech

Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid

Fumbling to find flashlights during blackouts may soon be a distant memory, as quantum computing and artificial intelligence could learn to decipher an electric grid's problematic quirks and solve system hiccups so fast, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Making the case for hydrogen in a zero-carbon economy

As the United States races to achieve its goal of zero-carbon electricity generation by 2035, energy providers are swiftly ramping up renewable resources such as solar and wind. But because these technologies churn out electrons ...

Energy & Green Tech

Green energy transition: Early and steady wins the race

What's the cheapest, easiest way to honor the Paris Agreement of limiting the global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius? A clear and strong investment in wind and solar power. Starting now.

Computer Sciences

Hybrid approach optimizes grid

The modern "smart" city, says Jie Liu, is a web of networks that should run like a healthy, well-tuned circulatory system.

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