Consumer & Gadgets

The first mobile phone call was 75 years ago: A look back

I have a cellphone built into my watch. People now take this type of technology for granted, but not so long ago it was firmly in the realm of science fiction. The transition from fantasy to reality was far from the flip ...


Climate harm puts brakes on buying Teslas with bitcoin

Tesla hit the brakes Wednesday on letting people pay for electric cars with bitcoin, saying the computing-intense mining process of creating new cryptocurrency spews climate-harming emissions.

Energy & Green Tech

Electric vehicles cheaper than combustion by 2027: study

Electric cars will be cheaper to build than fossil fuel vehicles across Europe within six years and could represent 100 percent of new sales by 2035, according to a study published Monday.


How to keep automated electric vehicles safe

Having your social media account hacked is a pain. Having your credit card account hacked can be devastating. Having your new electric vehicle hacked could be disastrous.

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