Energy & Green Tech

Low-temperature synthesis of lithium ceramic for batteries

A lithium ceramic could act as a solid electrolyte in a more powerful and cost-efficient generation of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The challenge is to find a production method that works without sintering at high ...

Energy & Green Tech

How sodium-ion batteries could make electric cars cheaper

Cars that burn petrol and diesel must be replaced with renewable alternatives if the climate crisis is to be overcome. Electric vehicles (EVs) are widely viewed as the best option available.

Energy & Green Tech

How pre-cooling homes could dramatically reduce energy usage

It's a typical, sweltering August day in Los Angeles, with temperatures pushing 95° downtown. When people get home from work in the late afternoon, the first thing they do is crank up the AC to cool their overheated homes.


'Impossible' millimeter wave sensor has wide potential

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have developed a proof-of-concept sensor that may usher in a new era for millimeter wave radars. In fact, they call its design a "mission impossible" made possible.

Energy & Green Tech

Tire maker honored for tackling electric car pollution

Electric cars are widely hailed as the future of transport, but even though they eliminate the issue of fuel emissions from tailpipes, the problem of particle pollution as a result of tire wear hasn't been resolved.


A system to keep cloud-based gamers in sync

Cloud gaming, which involves playing a video game remotely from the cloud, witnessed unprecedented growth during the lockdowns and gaming hardware shortages that occurred during the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, ...

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