Energy & Green Tech

Big switch: Electric cars put China on automobile map

The rise of electric cars heralds not only a major technology switch but also promises massive disruption to today's auto giants as Tesla and a group of powerful Chinese rivals take over the fast lane.

Computer Sciences

Human writer or AI? Scholars build a detection tool

The launch of OpenAI's ChatGPT, with its remarkably coherent responses to questions or prompts, catapulted large language models (LLMs) and their capabilities into the public consciousness. Headlines captured both excitement ...

Computer Sciences

New algorithm discovers language just by watching videos

Mark Hamilton, an MIT Ph.D. student in electrical engineering and computer science and affiliate of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), wants to use machines to understand how animals communicate. ...


A system to keep cloud-based gamers in sync

Cloud gaming, which involves playing a video game remotely from the cloud, witnessed unprecedented growth during the lockdowns and gaming hardware shortages that occurred during the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, ...

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