Computer Sciences

New method to make AI-generated voices more expressive

Researchers have found a way to make AI-generated voices, such as digital personal assistants, more expressive, with a minimum amount of training. The method, which translates text to speech, can also be applied to voices ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Developing technology to mimic the function of skin

Scientists at UNSW Sydney have combined artificial synapses with advanced sensors to mimic the properties of human skin, in new research published in Advanced Functional Materials.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Mirror-like photovoltaics get more electricity out of heat

New heat-harnessing "solar" cells that reflect 99% of the energy they can't convert to electricity could help bring down the price of storing renewable energy as heat, as well as harvesting waste heat from exhaust pipes and ...

Energy & Green Tech

Electric vehicles cheaper than combustion by 2027: study

Electric cars will be cheaper to build than fossil fuel vehicles across Europe within six years and could represent 100 percent of new sales by 2035, according to a study published Monday.


Team makes electronic skin that can sense touch

Stanford scientists have developed a soft and stretchable electronic skin that can directly talk to the brain, imitating the sensory feedback of real skin using a strategy that, if improved, could offer hope to millions of ...

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