
Retrofitting untapped dams

Although more than 92,000 dams populate the country, the vast majority—about 89,000—do not generate electricity through hydropower.

Energy & Green Tech

Waste not, want watts: Turning waste into energy

The race is on to reuse waste as energy in the most effective way possible. Combined heat and power is an old idea for saving fuel with a new imperative to slash emissions. Innovative furnaces based on biofuel systems will ...

Energy & Green Tech

Homes fitted with new technology could make the grid smarter

Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have developed a control system that could make most of America's homes more capable partners in managing the nation's electricity resources.

Energy & Green Tech

How electric vehicles could fix the grid

Transportation is the single biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, accounting for about a third of all emissions. We could quickly lower those emissions by electrifying vehicles, but there's just ...

Energy & Green Tech

Sudan's electric rickshaws cut costs, help environment

Sudanese entrepreneur Mohamed Samir watches proudly as workers assemble garishly coloured rickshaws, unique in the North African nation because they run on electricity in a bid to tackle soaring costs.

Energy & Green Tech

A new approach to improve the power control of wind farms

To slow down climate change and prevent its adverse consequences, humans will need to transition to more sustainable energy sources. Engineers worldwide have thus been working on a wide range of technologies that can convert ...

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