
Daimler's trucks, luxury cars to go their separate ways

Shareholders in Daimler AG, maker of Mercedes-Benz luxury cars, on Friday approved the spinoff of the company's truck division, a move intended to let the world's largest maker of trucks react faster to change and focus on ...

Energy & Green Tech

Who pays and who benefits from a massive expansion of solar power?

Electricity generation produces a quarter of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. The electric grid also is highly vulnerable to climate change effects, such as more frequent and severe droughts, hurricanes ...

Energy & Green Tech

Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid

Fumbling to find flashlights during blackouts may soon be a distant memory, as quantum computing and artificial intelligence could learn to decipher an electric grid's problematic quirks and solve system hiccups so fast, ...


Inequality built into the grid

It is known that future uptake of distributed energy resources like wind and solar could be limited due to constraints in electrical grids. Now, a study from Berkeley researchers shows that grid limitations in California ...

Energy & Green Tech

Report: Solar could power 40% of US electricity by 2035

Solar energy has the potential to supply up to 40% of the nation's electricity within 15 years—a 10-fold increase over current solar output, but one that would require massive changes in U.S. policy and billions of dollars ...

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