Energy & Green Tech

How do lithium-ion batteries work?

The smartphone era is only just over a decade old, but the pocket-sized computers at the heart of that societal transformation are only really possible because of another technology: lithium-ion batteries.

Energy & Green Tech

Good news for rooftop solar, not for home batteries

The energy produced over the lifetime of typical rooftop solar panels more than makes up for the energy it takes to make, mount and then eventually recycle them. But adding a home battery usually lowers those dividends, according ...

Energy & Green Tech

Does energy storage make the electric grid cleaner?

Carbon-free energy: Is the answer blowing in the wind? Perhaps, but the wind doesn't always blow, nor does the sun always shine. The energy generated by wind and solar power is intermittent, meaning that the generated electricity ...

Energy & Green Tech

California drives toward an electric future

The pressure is on for California to meet its clean-vehicle goals. In less than two years, 35% of vehicles sold must have zero tailpipe emissions. And by 2035, all light-duty vehicles sold must be zero-emissions.

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