Energy & Green Tech

Batteries, community spirit help California fight heat wave

Dire predictions of blackouts in California during a fearsome heat wave this month never came to pass, with technology—and a dose of community spirit—helping the creaking grid through its most testing period ever.


A new way to make electricity using ocean waves

A team of researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a new way to generate electricity using ocean waves. In their paper published in the journal One Earth, the group describes how their new device works ...


Samsung sets goal to attain 100% clean energy by 2050

Samsung Electronics is shifting away from fossil fuels and aiming to entirely power its global operations with clean electricity by 2050, a challenging goal that experts say could be hampered by South Korea's modest climate ...

Energy & Green Tech

'A necessity': Lebanon's forced conversion to solar

Thanks to solar energy, residents of the northern Lebanese village of Toula are finally able to enjoy ice cream again—a treat in a sun-baked country plagued by power cuts.


Green hydrogen: Short-term scarcity, long-term uncertainty

Green hydrogen would likely supply less than 1% of total energy globally by 2035, while the European Union might hit the 1% mark a little earlier by about 2030. In particular, the EU's 2030 plan to supply 10 million tons ...

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