Energy & Green Tech

Solar investment outstrips all other power forms: IEA

More money is pouring into solar power than all other electricity sources combined, with investments set to reach half a trillion dollars this year, the world's top energy research body said Thursday.


EPA says its new strict power plant rules will pass legal tests

The EPA on Thursday announced a series of actions to address pollution from fossil fuel power generators, including a final rule for existing coal-fired and new natural gas-fired plants that will eventually require them to ...


How vulnerable are European countries to changes in gas prices?

On 24 February 2022, the Russian army entered Ukraine, escalating a conflict that had begun almost a decade earlier. On the same day, the European Council held an urgent meeting to respond to the aggression and to study emergency ...

Energy & Green Tech

Thermoelectric technologies can help power a zero-carbon future

Thermometers are an under-appreciated marvel of human ingenuity built upon an understanding of relatively simple physical principles. Mercury and alcohol thermometers rely on the volume of liquids growing or shrinking in ...

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