Energy & Green Tech

Major Japan railway now powered only by renewable energy

Tokyo's Shibuya is famed for its Scramble Crossing, where crowds of people crisscross the intersection in a scene symbolizing urban Japan's congestion and anonymity. It may have added another boasting right.

Energy & Green Tech

Converting solar energy to electricity on demand

The researchers behind an energy system that makes it possible to capture solar energy, store it for up to 18 years and release it when and where it is needed have now taken the system a step further. After previously demonstrating ...


Solar cell keeps working long after sun sets

About 750 million people in the world do not have access to electricity at night. Solar cells provide power during the day, but saving energy for later use requires substantial battery storage.

Energy & Green Tech

Can nuclear generation reduce European reliance on Russian gas?

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the International Energy Agency and the European Commission have come up with plans to rapidly reduce the European Union's imports of Russian natural gas. While the International Energy ...


Portable generator powers small safety devices

A new stick-like, water-based device can convert energy from movement into electricity. The technology, which was reported in the journal Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, could be used to power portable devices, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Benefits of clean energy tax credits far outweigh costs

Tax credits to boost clean energy deployment are an important part of the climate provisions within the Build Back Better Act being debated by Congress—and new analysis from the University of Chicago suggests that the benefits ...

Energy & Green Tech

Are wind and solar power really more expensive and less reliable?

Not that long ago, critics of renewable sources of energy had a point when they claimed wind and solar power cost more and were less dependable than fossil fuels, mostly because they depend upon the wind blowing and the sun ...

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