Machine learning & AI

Artificial intelligence is becoming sustainable

A research group from Politecnico di Milano has developed a new computing circuit that can execute advanced operations, typical of neural networks for artificial intelligence, in one single operation.

Energy & Green Tech

Green-oriented NextEra nears ExxonMobil in market value

In a sign of shifting fortunes in the energy business, green-oriented power company NextEra Energy on Friday sparred with petroleum giant Exxon Mobil for market capitalization supremacy.

Energy & Green Tech

Technology transfer deficits jeopardize climate targets

Many developing countries have made their nationally determined climate contributions submitted under the Paris Agreement conditional on receiving climate finance, technology transfer, and capacity-building support. However, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Lithium extraction and geothermal energy, a dynamic duo

Beneath the Earth's crust, super-hot rock holds the potential to provide clean, renewable energy called geothermal energy. This resource is just waiting to be tapped. However, the development of geothermal energy over the ...

Energy & Green Tech

How to accelerate solar adoption for the underserved

As rooftop solar prices have fallen, many households at all income levels can now save money by going solar. Nonetheless, low- and moderate-income households remain less likely to adopt solar than high-income households. ...

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