Energy & Green Tech

Does 'Goal 7, Energy for All' need a rethink?

Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. Yet according to new research by Copenhagen Business School the poor planning ...

Energy & Green Tech

New global 'wind atlas' propels sustainable energy

Wind energy scientists at Cornell University have released a new global wind atlas—a digital compendium filled with documented extreme wind speeds for all parts of the world—to help engineers select the turbines in any ...

Energy & Green Tech

New York State can achieve 2050 carbon goals: Here's how

By delving into scientific, technological, environmental and economic data, Cornell University engineering researchers examined whether New York could achieve a statewide carbon-free economy by 2050. Their finding: Yes, New ...

Energy & Green Tech

Green energy transition: Early and steady wins the race

What's the cheapest, easiest way to honor the Paris Agreement of limiting the global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius? A clear and strong investment in wind and solar power. Starting now.

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