Energy & Green Tech

Uncertain climate future could disrupt energy systems

Extreme weather events—such as severe drought, storms, and heat waves—have been forecast to become more commonplace and are already starting to occur. What has been less studied is the impact on energy systems and how ...


Laying the groundwork for autonomous transport networks

With the increased use of connected devices and endpoints where Internet of things devices, satellites and sensors produce constant streams of information, the amount of data collected presents significant challenges. In ...

Energy & Green Tech

What if half of Switzerland's rooftops produced electricity?

Researchers at EPFL are assessing Switzerland's solar power potential. Their results show that photovoltaic panels could be installed on more than half of the country's 9.6 million rooftops. The resulting power would meet ...

Energy & Green Tech

A communal energy hub

The amount of energy produced by renewable sources ebbs and flows. The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM has found a smart work-around for these fluctuations. Its scientists developed an innovative energy ...

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