
Back to the drawing board: Reinventing offshore wind turbines

Brandon Ennis, Sandia National Laboratories' offshore wind technical lead, had a radically new idea for offshore wind turbines: instead of a tall, unwieldy tower with blades at the top, he imagined a towerless turbine with ...


Aerospace engineer creates free 3-D aircraft design software

As interest in small autonomous aerial vehicles and their applications continues to expand, a Utah State University aerospace engineer is offering the public a free software tool that could revolutionize the drone industry.


Using tiny combustion engines to power very tiny robots

A team of mechanical engineers at Cornell University, working with a colleague from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, has designed and built a tiny robot that is powered by a combustion engine. In their paper published ...


'Brainless' robot can navigate complex obstacles

Researchers who created a soft robot that could navigate simple mazes without human or computer direction have now built on that work, creating a "brainless" soft robot that can navigate more complex and dynamic environments. ...


DfAI: The missing piece of artificial intelligence engineering

Considering how quickly engineering design and manufacturing have advanced alongside computational developments, it may surprise you that very few engineers are trained in both engineering system design and artificial intelligence. ...


This new computer chip is ideal for AI

Artificial intelligence presents a major challenge to conventional computing architecture. In standard models, memory storage and computing take place in different parts of the machine, and data must move from its area of ...


Automating engineering's ideal manager

Engineering is a collaborative practice, but effective teamwork can take many different forms. For some projects, teamwork means accomplishing all tasks as a group; for other projects, it is better for everyone to work individually ...

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