
Tricky tangles: Robots learn to navigate vine-like vegetation

Robots are often found in very controlled, indoor environments because, unlike in a natural environment, there are no tripping hazards to overcome. However, in order to perform important tasks like environmental monitoring ...

Energy & Green Tech

An energy-storage solution that flows like soft-serve ice cream

Batteries made from an electrically conductive mixture the consistency of molasses could help solve a critical piece of the decarbonization puzzle. An interdisciplinary team from MIT has found that an electrochemical technology ...


Mechanical computer relies on kirigami cubes, not electronics

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a kirigami-inspired mechanical computer that uses a complex structure of rigid, interconnected polymer cubes to store, retrieve and erase data without relying on ...

Energy & Green Tech

Wave-powered SeaRAY preps for Hawaii trial

Offshore industries, like marine research, fish farming, and mineral mining, often rely on big ships with large crews. Without clean energy to power these vessels, each trip out to sea and back to shore is not only expensive ...

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