
Underwater soft robot inspired by the brittle star

Soft robots are better suited to certain situations than traditional robots. When interacting with an environment, humans or other living things, the inherent softness built into the structure of a robot made of rubber, for ...

Computer Sciences

Scientists use AI to predict a wildfire's next move

Researchers at USC have developed a new method to accurately predict wildfire spread. By combining satellite imagery and artificial intelligence, their model offers a potential breakthrough in wildfire management and emergency ...


Mighty morphing 3-D printing

Engineers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have created a new shape-changing or "morphing" 3-D printing nozzle that was featured as a Frontispiece in the January 5th issue of the journal Advanced Materials Technologies.


Human-occupied submersible Alvin makes historic dive

Today, the human-occupied submersible Alvin made history when it successfully reached a depth of 6,453 meters (nearly 4 miles) in the Puerto Rico Trench, north of San Juan, P.R. This is the deepest dive ever in the 58-year ...

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