
Liquid metal sensors and AI could help prosthetic hands to 'feel'

Each fingertip has more than 3,000 touch receptors, which largely respond to pressure. Humans rely heavily on sensation in their fingertips when manipulating an object. The lack of this sensation presents a unique challenge ...


Flexible production system enables variety of variants

From sports shoes to car accessories—there is an increasing demand for individualized products. The economic and competitive production of industrial and consumer goods with a high degree of individualization and improved ...


A humanoid robot gets ready for action

Mechanical engineers at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering have developed a full-sized humanoid robot with first-of-its-kind technology.


Soft robots make virtual reality gloves feel more real

Soft robots, or those made with materials like rubber, gels and cloth, have advantages over their harder, heavier counterparts, especially when it comes to tasks that require direct human interaction. Robots that could safely ...


Liquid windows: Energy-saving inspiration from squid skin

Inspired by the dynamic color-changing skin of organisms such as squid, University of Toronto researchers have developed a multilayered fluidic system that can reduce the energy costs of heating, cooling and lighting buildings.

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