Machine learning & AI

Estimating people's age using convolutional neural networks

Over the past few years, researchers have created a growing number of machine learning (ML)-based face recognition techniques, which could have numerous interesting applications, for instance, enhancing surveillance monitoring, ...


How robots learn to hike

ETH Zurich researchers led by Marco Hutter developed a new control approach that enables a legged robot, called ANYmal, to move quickly and robustly over difficult terrain. Thanks to machine learning, the robot can combine ...

Computer Sciences

Reducing the computational power required to analyze DNA

An approach that reduces the computational power required to analyze huge amounts of DNA data for identifying new microbes and their proteins could be used for manufacturing anything from new antibiotics to plastic-degrading ...

Computer Sciences

Generating a realistic 3D world

While standing in a kitchen, you push some metal bowls across the counter into the sink with a clang, and drape a towel over the back of a chair. In another room, it sounds like some precariously stacked wooden blocks fell ...

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