Machine learning & AI

Five burning questions about ChatGPT, answered by humans

This sentence was not written by ChatGPT. Later on in this story, you'll find a paragraph drafted by the popular artificial intelligence platform (it's up to you to decide which paragraph). But, for now, what you read is ...


Prime time or Netflix? Streaming wars come to Thailand

International streaming platforms were among the biggest pandemic winners, seeing subscriber numbers soar, but US giants have turned abroad as countries re-opened—with Thailand firmly in their sights.


Cesspool or civility? Elon Musk's Twitter at a crossroads

The discourse was never all that civil on Twitter. The loudest voices have often drowned out softer, more nuanced takes. After all, it's much easier to rage-tweet at a perceived enemy than to seek common ground, whether the ...

Energy & Green Tech

Climate change is shifting state views on nuclear power

In many of the states with the nation's most aggressive climate goals, officials are investing millions of dollars to save the power source that was long the No. 1 target of many environmental activists: nuclear plants.

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