Computer Sciences

Using deep learning to predict imminent precipitations

Deep learning models have proved to be very effective for analyzing large amounts of data and accurately predicting future events. This makes them advantageous for a wide range of applications, including weather forecasting.

Energy & Green Tech

Technology enhances solar option during outages

During a power outage, we might not think of using the sun as a backup generator. But solar energy is playing a key role in keeping the lights on when the power is knocked out.

Computer Sciences

Chaos theory provides hints for controlling the weather

Under a project led by the RIKEN Center for Computational Science, researchers have used computer simulations to show that weather phenomena such as sudden downpours could potentially be modified by making small adjustments ...


Putting the fire lookout in orbit

OroraTech, a startup formed at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), is preparing to launch a fleet of small satellites. They will use infrared cameras to detect temperature anomalies at high temporal and spatial resolutions. ...

Energy & Green Tech

Why nuclear energy isn't a safe bet in a warming world

The overwhelming majority of nuclear power stations active today entered service long before the science of climate change was well-established. Two in five nuclear plants operate on the coast and at least 100 have been built ...

Energy & Green Tech

Climate change impact on green energy production

As the climate of the planet is changing, as evidenced by record-setting hot summers and extreme weather events, many researchers are looking to more renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind farms.

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