
Contact lens: You blink and you zoom in

Researchers are in the news this week because of their soft biomimetic lens. Blink twice and you get yourself a closer look at things. Activated soft elastomer works to increase focal length.


Glowing contact lens could prevent a leading cause of blindness

Hundreds of millions of people suffer from diabetes worldwide, putting them at risk for a creeping blindness, or diabetic retinopathy, that comes with the disease in its more advanced stages. Existing treatments, though effective, ...


Can eyes on self-driving cars reduce accidents?

Robotic eyes on autonomous vehicles could improve pedestrian safety, according to a new study at the University of Tokyo. Participants played out scenarios in virtual reality (VR) and had to decide whether to cross a road ...


Novel software can recognize eye contact in everyday situations

Human eye contact is an important information source. However, the ability of computer systems to recognize eye contact in everyday situations is very limited. Computer scientists of Saarland University and the Max Planck ...

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