Computer Sciences

Study finds AI recognizes faces but not like the human brain

Face recognition technology emulates human performance and can even exceed it. And it is becoming increasingly more common for it to be used with cameras for real-time recognition, such as to unlock a smartphone or laptop, ...

Computer Sciences

A face recognition framework based on vision transformers

Face recognition tools are computational models that can identify specific people in images, as well as CCTV or video footage. These tools are already being used in a wide range of real-world settings, for instance aiding ...

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Facial recognition system

A facial recognition system is a computer application for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. One of the ways to do this is by comparing selected facial features from the image and a facial database.

It is typically used in security systems and can be compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems.

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