
Study: Customized GPT has security vulnerability

One month after OpenAI unveiled a program that allows users to easily create their own customized ChatGPT programs, a research team at Northwestern University is warning of a "significant security vulnerability" that could ...

Machine learning & AI

ChatGPT creates persuasive, phony medical report

A common truism among statisticians is that "the data don't lie." However, recent findings by Italian researchers may make those who study data think twice before making such assumptions.

Machine learning & AI

As chatbot sophistication grows, AI debate intensifies

California start-up OpenAI has released a chatbot capable of answering a variety of questions, but its impressive performance has reopened the debate on the risks linked to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

Machine learning & AI

High persuasiveness of propaganda written by AI

Research participants who read propaganda generated by the AI large language model GPT-3 davinci were nearly as persuaded as those who read real propaganda from Iran or Russia, according to a study published in the journal ...

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