
Virtual sensors help aerial vehicles stay aloft when rotors fail

No crystal ball is needed to envision a future that engineers have in mind, one in which air taxis and other flying vehicles ferry passengers between urban locations, avoiding the growing gridlock on the ground below. Companies ...

Computer Sciences

Cloud data storage security approach taps quantum physics

Distributed cloud storage is a hot topic for security researchers around the globe pursuing secure data storage, and a team in China is now merging quantum physics with mature cryptography and storage techniques to achieve ...


How do robots collaborate to achieve consensus?

Making group decisions is no easy task, especially when the decision makers are a swarm of robots. To increase swarm autonomy in collective perception, a research team at the IRIDIA artificial intelligence research laboratory ...

Computer Sciences

New algorithm builds stronger and faster blockchains

A global team of researchers, including Monash University experts, has developed a new algorithm that will enable building more resilient, efficient, and faster blockchains.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Examining the influence of defects on 2D integrated electronic circuits

For decades, transistors—the heart of computer chips—have been getting smaller and smaller. As a result, the electronic components in many devices can be made even more compact, faster and also more powerful. But is this ...