
Epic Games battles to get Fortnite back in App Store

Epic Games will strive anew Monday to convince a judge that its hit title Fortnite should be restored to Apple's App Store, despite sidestepping the tech titan's standard commission on transactions.


Pentagon cancels disputed JEDI cloud contract with Microsoft

The Pentagon said Tuesday it canceled a disputed cloud-computing contract with Microsoft that could eventually have been worth $10 billion. It will instead pursue a deal with both Microsoft and Amazon and possibly other cloud ...


Who's who on Facebook panel for content decisions

Here is a list of the members of the Facebook "supreme court" announced Wednesday, who will consider difficult decisions on what content to allow or remove from the world's largest social media platform.


Listen both ways: Blind walkers winning safer road crossings

After a retinal disease left him legally blind, architect John Gleichman was struck by a taxicab while walking home near Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo—at the same intersection where a 4-year-old girl was killed by a hit-and-run ...

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