Energy & Green Tech

A self-learning algorithm that helps save heating energy

A thermostat that predictively controls the indoor climate and thereby improves energy efficiency and comfort—Empa researchers Felix Bünning and Benjamin Huber came up with this idea while working in Empa's Urban Energy ...


Robotic lightning bugs take flight

Fireflies that light up dusky backyards on warm summer evenings use their luminescence for communication—to attract a mate, ward off predators or lure prey.

Energy & Green Tech

Technology enhances solar option during outages

During a power outage, we might not think of using the sun as a backup generator. But solar energy is playing a key role in keeping the lights on when the power is knocked out.

Energy & Green Tech

How data processing can heat buildings

A click on the internet leaves traces behind. Not only in the web itself, but also in the form of a large ecological footprint. Because even though all our data is supposedly floating in the cloud, physical data centers are ...


Why robots need reflexes

Reflexes protect our bodies—for example when we pull our hand back from a hot stove. These protective mechanisms could also be useful for robots. In this interview, Prof. Sami Haddadin and Johannes Kühn of the Munich School ...

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