
Sweet victory: Sensor detects adulteration in honey

Adulteration is a bitter truth in the sweet world of honey. As consumers seek nature's nectar for its purity and health benefits, a shadowy industry taints this golden elixir with hidden additives, most commonly water.


AI co-pilot enhances human precision for safer aviation

Imagine you're in an airplane with two pilots, one human and one computer. Both have their "hands" on the controllers, but they're always looking out for different things. If they're both paying attention to the same thing, ...


Solar cell material can assist self-driving cars in the dark

Material used in organic solar cells can also be used as light sensors in electronics. This has been shown by researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, who have developed a type of sensor able to detect circularly polarized ...


Engineers create artificial cilia at the microscale

A small team of engineers at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, working with a colleague from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany, has found a way to create tiny artificial cilia ...


Self-driving cars can make traffic slower: Study

A new study finds that "connected" vehicles, which share data with each other wirelessly, significantly improve travel time through intersections—but automated vehicles can actually slow down travel time through intersections ...


Cutting edge transistors for semiconductors of the future

Transistors that can change properties are important elements in the development of tomorrow's semiconductors. With standard transistors approaching the limit for how small they can be, having more functions on the same number ...

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