
Regret and blame in Silicon Valley after bank run

The nearly overnight collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has left the US tech scene in shock, wondering how one of its most valued institutions could vanish so suddenly, shunned by the companies that used it most.


Google promises Greece 20K jobs with cloud expansion

Google announced plans Thursday to expand its cloud services infrastructure to Greece, promising to create nearly 20,000 jobs through direct investment and partnerships by the end of the decade.


Trump says airline rescue plan coming soon

US President Donald Trump said Thursday his administration would present a plan this weekend to save the flagging airline industry, which is facing vastly reduced business as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Financial crisis

The term financial crisis is applied broadly to a variety of situations in which some financial institutions or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many financial crises were associated with banking panics, and many recessions coincided with these panics. Other situations that are often called financial crises include stock market crashes and the bursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises, and sovereign defaults.

Many economists have offered theories about how financial crises develop and how they could be prevented. There is little consensus, however, and financial crises are still a regular occurrence around the world.

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