
G7 countries seeking common stance on Facebook's Libra

Facebook's controversial plans for a new digital currency will again come under scrutiny of finance officials from Group of Seven economies Thursday, who worry it undermines their hold over the global financial system.

Computer Sciences

Three questions about quantum computing and secure communications

A radically different type of computing technology under development, known as quantum computing, could in theory decode secure communications and jeopardize military communications, critical infrastructure, and financial ...


Biden orders work to begin on future digital dollar

President Joe Biden on Wednesday ordered government agencies to begin work on creating a digital US dollar, weighing the risks and benefits of a move that could be a game changer for the global financial system.


How a digital pound could work alongside cryptocurrencies

Like many other countries, the UK has developed a plan for a central bank digital currency (CBDC). A digital pound would essentially act like an online form of cash suitable for everyday payments. It would not earn any interest ...


Is the digital dollar coming soon?

The United States is considering issuing a digital dollar, which would be backed by the nation's central bank and could help reinforce the U.S. role as a leader in the world financial system. Several financial institutions, ...

Computer Sciences

Resilience against replay attacks in computer systems

From power grids and telecommunications to water supply and financial systems, digital data controls the infrastructure systems on which society relies. These complex, multi-tier systems depend on layered communications to ...

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