
European software-defined satellite starts service

A telecommunications satellite that can be reprogrammed in orbit, offering unprecedented mission reconfiguration capacity, has successfully passed its in-orbit acceptance review.

Energy & Green Tech

Utilising demand flexibility in electricity distribution networks

The transition to sustainable energy sources like wind and solar and the introduction of electric vehicles and heat pumps are putting a growing strain on our electricity distribution networks. To prevent overloading and reinforcing ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Submerged sensors to control wearable electronics

Flexible and waterproof sensors that could unlock new applications for wearable electronics have been developed by scientists in Korea. Published in the journal Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, the study shows ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

New manufacturing technique for flexible electronics

Ultrathin, flexible computer circuits have been an engineering goal for years, but technical hurdles have prevented the degree of miniaturization necessary to achieve high performance. Now, researchers at Stanford University ...

Energy & Green Tech

The curtailment paradox in a high solar future

Rising penetrations of variable renewable energy (VRE) in power systems are expected to increase curtailment—the reduction of renewable energy delivered due to oversupply or lack of system flexibility. But while curtailment ...

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Flexibility may refer to:

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