Consumer & Gadgets

iPhone survives 16,000-foot fall from Alaska Airlines flight

Now that's what you call airplane mode—an iPhone that plummeted 16,000 feet (5,000 meters) from an Alaska Airlines flight landed without a single crack in the screen and even a battery still half-charged.


NASA flies drones autonomously for air taxi research

Researchers at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia recently flew multiple drones beyond visual line of sight with no visual observer. The drones successfully flew around obstacles and each other during takeoff, ...


Amazon drone crashes hit Jeff Bezos' delivery dreams

Jeff Bezos went on 60 Minutes in 2013 and pledged to fill the skies with a fleet of delivery drones that could zip parcels to customers' homes in 30 minutes. Asked when this future would arrive, the Inc. founder ...


Pilots downplay impact of stress on flight safety

Research from the University of Aberdeen has found that general aviation pilots do not consider stress to be as great a risk to flight safety as other factors such as inclement weather. This is contrary to guidance from flight ...

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