Energy & Green Tech

Hazy timeframe for reaching electric plane era

Recent test flights suggest the era of electric airplanes is coming closer, but aviation experts caution that achieving commercial use hinges on regulatory approval which has an unknowable timeframe.


Robotic lightning bugs take flight

Fireflies that light up dusky backyards on warm summer evenings use their luminescence for communication—to attract a mate, ward off predators or lure prey.


Amazon drone crashes hit Jeff Bezos' delivery dreams

Jeff Bezos went on 60 Minutes in 2013 and pledged to fill the skies with a fleet of delivery drones that could zip parcels to customers' homes in 30 minutes. Asked when this future would arrive, the Inc. founder ...


Costly delays to Boeing's 777X rile Emirates

Delays to the certification of Boeing's 777X long-haul aircraft are costing billions and infuriating top customer Emirates, but the US manufacturer is banking on the model as air traffic rebounds.

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