
Virtual sensors help aerial vehicles stay aloft when rotors fail

No crystal ball is needed to envision a future that engineers have in mind, one in which air taxis and other flying vehicles ferry passengers between urban locations, avoiding the growing gridlock on the ground below. Companies ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Should you be concerned about flying on Boeing planes?

The American aerospace giant Boeing has been synonymous with safe air travel for decades. Since the 1990s, Boeing and its European competitor Airbus have dominated the market for large passenger jets.

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Flight is the process by which an object moves either through an atmosphere (especially the air) or beyond it (as in the case of spaceflight) by generating lift or propulsive thrust, or aerostatically using buoyancy, or by simple ballistic movement.

The engineering aspects of flight is studied in aerospace engineering which is subdivided into aeronautics, which is the study of vehicles that travel through the air, and astronautics, the study of vehicles that travel through space.

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