Machine learning & AI

How machine learning can improve food insecurity predictions

Food insecurity in low-income countries is on the rise as climate variation and economic shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, take their toll. Accurately predicting when and where hunger crises occur is critical to effective ...

Energy & Green Tech

To feed a growing population, farmers look to the sun

A mix of aromatic herbs and flowers is being grown at a photovoltaic park on mainland Greece. In Spain, artichoke and broccoli are sharing fields with solar panels. In Belgium, panels have been installed above pear trees ...

Machine learning & AI

The ethics of digital technology in the food sector

Imagine a world in which smart packaging for supermarket-ready meals updates you in real-time to tell you about carbon footprints, gives live warnings on product recalls and instant safety alerts because allergens were detected ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Artificial intelligence for reducing food waste

In Germany, around 12 million tons of food end up in the trash every year. Over 30 percent of that is already destroyed in the production process. In the Resource-efficient Intelligent Foodchain ("REIF") project, the Fraunhofer ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Artificial intelligence for food security

AI, or artificial intelligence, is attracting great attention across many industries, even food production, according to research published in the International Journal of Society Systems Science.

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