Energy & Green Tech

A simplified way to turn food waste into hydrogen energy

Americans discard as much as 40 percent of their food, worth about $200 billion a year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A simple new method from Purdue University scientists could help cut down that amount ...

Energy & Green Tech

Here's how food waste can generate clean energy

Food waste is a growing problem in Canada and many other parts of the world—and it is only expected to get worse in the coming years. The world population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion by 2050, alongside global food ...

Energy & Green Tech

A new roadmap to close the carbon cycle

A major approach to achieving net-zero carbon emissions relies on converting various parts of the economy, such as personal vehicles and heating, to run via electricity generated from renewable sources. But carbon cannot ...


Personalized food from the 3D printer

The consumption of food is a basic need in life and is typically subjective and personal in terms of preference and health. With the increasing world population and, as a result, the increasing demand for food, novel improvements ...

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