Energy & Green Tech

Making the case for hydrogen in a zero-carbon economy

As the United States races to achieve its goal of zero-carbon electricity generation by 2035, energy providers are swiftly ramping up renewable resources such as solar and wind. But because these technologies churn out electrons ...

Energy & Green Tech

Could mini nuclear stations plug South Africa's power gaps?

South African nuclear scientists want to build a new generation of mini nuclear reactors, both to plug holes in their own country's blackout-plagued grid and to build an export industry for the future.

Energy & Green Tech

Climate bill: Could coal communities shift to nuclear?

A major economic bill headed to the president has "game-changing" incentives for the nuclear energy industry, experts say, and those tax credits are even more substantial if a facility is sited in a community where a coal ...

Energy & Green Tech

Germany to close nuclear reactors despite energy crisis

Germany will shut down three nuclear power plants on Friday even as Europe faces one of its worst ever energy crises, following Angela Merkel's timetable for phasing out atomic energy.

Energy & Green Tech

How rising gas prices emphasize the need for renewable energy

The war in Ukraine has caused oil prices to surge to the highest level since 2008, with gas prices in some areas of California creeping up to $6 per gallon. Rising prices have led renewable energy advocates like Tesla CEO ...

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