Energy & Green Tech

US energy secretary says G7 can lead global emissions cuts

Wealthy nations can lead by example in cutting carbon emissions, though much faster action is needed to stem global warming, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said Friday in an interview with The Associated Press.

Energy & Green Tech

Electric cars, homes and shops: NJ's clean energy future?

Gasoline-powered vehicles would become a thing of the past, and nine out of every 10 buildings in New Jersey would be heated and cooled by electricity instead of natural gas or oil, under an ambitious plan laid out Thursday ...

Energy & Green Tech

California governor calls for no new gas plants in climate fight

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced steps Friday to speed up the clean-energy transition and fight climate change, including an end to building gas-burning power plants, even as the move away from fossil fuels has threatened ...

Energy & Green Tech

The energy turnaround won't happen on its own

The surge in gas and oil prices triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine could help speed the energy transition. But high prices won't be enough to ensure it succeeds; smart policies are still needed, writes Florian Egli.

Energy & Green Tech

Is the future of carbon-capture technology electrochemistry?

Humans send millions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air each year—by generating electricity, manufacturing products, driving, flying and doing other routine activities. And while plants can absorb some of that ...

Energy & Green Tech

UN urges 'complete transformation' of global energy system

Climate change risks undermining global energy security unless the use of renewables is dramatically scaled up, the UN warned Tuesday, suggesting the Ukraine conflict's ripple effects could speed up the green transition.

Energy & Green Tech

Bio-what? Half of Danes don't know what biomass is

Nearly half of Danes have never heard of Denmark's largest source of renewable energy. The finding, reported in a study from the University of Copenhagen, is the first to explore Danish attitudes to woody biomass as an energy ...

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