
On-the-fly reconfigurable magnetic slime used as a robot

A team of researchers affiliated with a host of entities in China has created a type of magnetic slime that can be configured on the fly to perform a variety of robotic tasks. In their paper published in the journal Advanced ...


Insects help robots gain better grip

A whole generation of gripping robots has been developed using a design concept originally known from fish fins. An international research team from Biomechanics, with participation from Kiel University (CAU), led by the ...


VW and Bosch join forces to rev up automated driving

Car giant Volkswagen and parts supplier Bosch have embarked on an "extensive partnership" to bring automated driving to the mass market by next year, the German companies said on Tuesday.


Pushing the potential of brain-computer interfaces

Since they came into use by physicians and researchers, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) or Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) have provided ways to treat neurological disorders and shed light on how the brain functions. As ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Welcoming composite inks into the fold

A screen-printing approach to creating foldable circuits could make many functional devices easier and cheaper to mass produce.


Touch-sensing glove detects and maps tactile stimuli

When you pick up a balloon, the pressure to keep hold of it is different from what you would exert to grasp a jar. And now engineers at MIT and elsewhere have a way to precisely measure and map such subtleties of tactile ...

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