Energy & Green Tech

An energy bill boosting nuclear power heading to Biden's desk

Democrats and Republicans don't agree on much on Capitol Hill these days, but they just passed bipartisan legislation to promote the growth of future nuclear power plants—and President Joe Biden is expected to sign it into ...

Computer Sciences

Pan-sharpening methodology enhances remote sensing images

Researchers led by Prof. Xie Chengjun and Assoc. Prof. Zhang Jie from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have introduced an innovative pan-sharpening method to improve remote sensing ...


3D printed titanium structure shows supernatural strength

A 3D printed 'metamaterial' boasting levels of strength for weight not normally seen in nature or manufacturing could change how we make everything from medical implants to aircraft or rocket parts.

Energy & Green Tech

Scientists in UK set fusion record

Scientists in Britain announced Thursday they had smashed a record for generating fusion energy in the final experiment using the Joint European Torus (JET) machines.

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