Energy & Green Tech

Biofuels offer a cost-effective way to lower shipping emissions

Marine shipping traffic has grown steadily over the past decade—and so have the associated greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon emissions from ships grew almost 10% between 2012 and 2018, and the industry is a large consumer ...

Energy & Green Tech

Biofuel for ships: Diesel and gasoline sourced from renewables

The combustion of conventional fossil fuels accounts for a large share of global CO2 emissions. A great deal of criticism is levelled against cruise and merchant ships for polluting the environment with sooty waste gas and ...

Energy & Green Tech

Japan's Toshiba retreats from coal-fired power stations

Japanese engineering giant Toshiba will not build any more coal-fired power plants and will shift to renewable energy in a bid to reduce greenhouse emissions, the company's president said Wednesday.

Energy & Green Tech

The world's slow transition to cleaner energy

The transition towards cleaner energy has made progress but not quick enough to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, as agreed in the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

US officials eye fuel supply for advanced nuclear reactors

The development of commercial advanced nuclear reactors intended to help combat global warming and enhance national security will need a better supply of the right type of nuclear fuel, U.S. officials said Tuesday.

New lab director expects more work on next wave of reactors

The new director of Idaho National Laboratory said its efforts to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by creating a new generation of nuclear reactors appears to align with the goals of the incoming Biden administration ...

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