Machine learning & AI

AI- or human-written language? Assumptions mislead

Human assumptions regarding language usage can lead to flawed judgments of whether language was AI- or human-generated, Cornell Tech and Stanford researchers have found in a series of experiments.

Energy & Green Tech

Harvesting energy from moving trains

The Virginia Tech Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety (CVeSS) and the Railway Technologies Laboratory want to harness the energy created by moving trains and transform that energy into usable electricity.

Energy & Green Tech

Hydropower without the environmental impact

Scientists have analyzed data from nearly three million rivers across the globe to identify where hydropower stations could be sited with limited environmental impacts.

Energy & Green Tech

Using machine learning to forecast amine emissions

Global warming is partly due to the vast amount of carbon dioxide that we release, mostly from power generation and industrial processes, such as making steel and cement. For a while now, chemical engineers have been exploring ...

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers harvest electricity from wood soaking in water

Water and wood may one day be all that's needed to provide electrical power for a household. At a time when energy is a critical issue for many millions of people worldwide, scientists in Sweden have managed to generate electricity ...

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