Electronics & Semiconductors

Waterproof 'e-glove' could help scuba divers communicate

When scuba divers need to say "I'm okay" or "Shark!" to their dive partners, they use hand signals to communicate visually. But sometimes these movements are difficult to see.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Spray-on smart skin uses AI to rapidly understand hand tasks

A new smart skin developed at Stanford University might foretell a day when people type on invisible keyboards, identify objects by touch alone, or allow users to communicate by hand gestures with apps in immersive environments.

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A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication made with a part of the body, used instead of or in combination with verbal communication. The language of gesture allows individuals to express a variety of feelings and thoughts, from contempt and hostility to approval and affection. Most people use gestures and body language in addition to words when they speak. The use of gesture as language by some ethnic groups is more common than in others, and the amount of such gesturing that is considered culturally acceptable varies from one location to the next.

Gesticulation: any movement made by a foreigner. (J. B. Morton)

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